The Power of Positive Remembering
How to create SUCCESS by releasing the power of your memories


The mustard seed key chain

Oil filters, air filters & BRAIN filters

Are you ignoring me?

Waldorf, the greatest of them all


Rearrange the furnature, rearrange your Memories

How to cash a $10 million BAD check

Napoleon's worthless magic stone

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS

What is Positive Remembering?

Arms, legs vs. memories

Muscles vs. Memories

10,000 books
are not enough

ATM memories

The Whistling Tree

Post Office memories

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories

It's impossible to think of two things at once

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum

The Power to
Improve Your Health

Doctor who painted warts

Voodoo Remembering

Change your attitude

Cells that blow up cancer

Who will live the longest?


Use your Crayons

Watch a funny movie

The double strength cancer cure

Rocking chair cures paralysis

The Power to
Relieve Pain

Your body's natural morphine

Hello Mr. Pain?

Watching the blowing wind

Chirping Crickets

Driven to distraction

Good, red, strong blood

Seven Traits of Successful People

They recognized their dreams when they found them

They clearly definded what they wanted

They kept their dream in front of them

They educated themselves

They didn't listen

They understood failures as steps toward success

They had a "higher propose"

The Power to Overcome Fear

What is the sympathetic nervous system?

The Power to Reduce Stress

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?

The oldest cure-Yoga

Your body's natural valium-Parasympathetic Nervous System

Tell Me What You Think

How Can Positive Remembering
help you change things outside the body?

In the last few chapters you have learned how Positive Remembering can order the mind and body to change. But how can you use Positive Remembering to change things outside your body? How can your memory give orders to a world which is not in the habit of taking orders?

Dolly Parton's mustard seed key chain

Dolly Parton, the country music singer and movie star, answered these questions so well in her autobiography when she told the story of the mustard seed key chain.

One day when Dolly was in the third grade, two men from the Gideons came to her school. You know the Gideons they're the ones who put free Bibles in hotel rooms. Anyway one of the men handed out key chains with a plastic ball attached on the end. Inside the ball was a single mustard seed and a piece of paper with a Bible verse on it.

The paper read,

"If ye have faith, even as much as a single seed of mustard, ye shall be able to move mountains"

They told the children a story about a man who put the mustard seed verse to the test. He prayed all night "that the mountain to the east of his house would be in the west when he went out the next morning. When he looked out the next morning and saw the mountain still in the same place, he said, "See there I knew it!"

Looking back at her life and how far she's come from growing up very poor she makes a profound statement about that man's faith. She writes:

"I knew my dreams would come true. He knew his wouldn't. And that, as they say, has made all the difference."

Dolly has spent a lifetime looking for every sign of success and because she's expecting to find it, she has. But some people literally look for every sign of failure. Even if something good happens in their life they'll expect it not to last. If you know your dreams won't come true then you won't even bother to look for them. If that perfect opportunity comes by you probably won't notice. And as Shari Lewis taught, hope makes us take action, but those without hope will take no action.

THE POWER is in the action you take on your dreams,
action automatically calls hope out of storage automatically.

Have You ever heard of Brain Filters?

You've heard of oil filters, water filters and air filters but have you heard of Brain Filters?

Oil, water and air filters are all designed to stop almost everything that is not wanted from getting through. Some air filters remove dust, smoke, and microorganisms from the air by stopping them from getting through the filter.

The filter does two things:

1. prevents what is not wanted from passing through
2. allows what is wanted to pass through.

Your brain also filters what comes into it

You and I are both guilty of only seeing what we want to see and only hearing what we want to hear. Actually it's the way our brains are designed to work.

  1. The brain doesn't pay attention to every sight, sound, or smell the senses send to it.
  2. The brain filters out most of the information the senses can pick up and instead selects just a small amount to pay attention to.

Right now as you read this, you are ignoring a lot of incoming information.

Until I mention it you probably aren't paying attention to the way your shoes feel on your feet. Until now you probably haven't noticed the sounds of passing cars outside or the ticking of the clock or the need to itch your nose or the colors in the picture on the wall next to you. You've ignored these things without trying until I reminded you of them.

Your eyes were able to see them, your nose was able to smell them, your ears could hear them and your skin could feel them but your brain filtered all that information out and ignored it.

At the same time it was filtering those things out the brain was also selecting certain information to pay attention to. It was allowing the words on this page to come through its filters and be recognized.

This filtering is very important to our survival. If we had to notice every blade of grass, every leaf on a tree, every sound and every feeling we would go insane. We could never do anything or make any decision because we'd have too much meaningless information to deal with. So the brain filters out most the information coming our way and instead selects a small amount of the total picture to pay attention to.

How does the brain decide what's
meaningful and what can be ignored or filtered?

The answer is you tell it what to select and what to ignore by the things you focus on.
Dolly Parton has constantly looked for and focused on success and by doing this she's automatically gave her brain
the order to pay attention to things that agree with her image of success. At the same time she's ordered her brain to ignore or filter those things that do not agree with this image.

The human brain has developed a system to save time. The brain does not actually record reality as it is, but instead builds models, or mental pictures of reality to compare what comes in through the senses.

For example the mind has a mental concept or model of what a door is. Whenever the eyes see something that fits that model no matter what color it is or how large or small, or whether it's made of wood or metal the mind can quit paying attention to those things because it has recognized the object as a door. The brain doesn't need to take in every detail about the object because it has recognized the door and now it can filter out other details about the object.

So we see only what we want to see and hear only what we want to hear. The sights, sounds, and feelings that don't agree with what we're focused on are automatically ignored.

In the Bible, Jesus said,

"It will be done for you as you HAVE BELIEVED"

Notice he said as you HAVE BELIEVED not as you are going to believe or kind of believe. What you imagine is ALREADY true about yourself becomes the orders you give to your brain's filter. If you see yourself as successful your brain will filter out everything that does not agree with this image.

In other words, whether you like it or not, your life right now is the product of your beliefs. I know that there are some circumstances in your life that were put upon you such as where and to whom you were born, how you were born, your looks, or some disability you were born with or acquired as a result of disease or accident. But regardless of these circumstances, how and what you have believed about yourself have made you the person you are today.

You set the limits by the orders you give your brain and body. You do not have to be a victim of circumstance.

Helen Keller was both deaf and blind yet she went on to graduate from college and become a writer. Franklin Roosevelt was paralyzed by polio from the waist down. He refused to be limited by this handicap and went on to become President of the United States.

Use a Picture to keep your Positive Memories active

Whatever you use to keep the positive memories active will work. For example, Have you heard of the Hilton hotel chain. Of coarse you have. But after this you'll think of something different than luxury hotels. From now on you'll remember the story of the man who was broke but refused to be broken.

A year earlier Connie was the proud and ambitious owner of a string of eight hotels. In fact in November of 1930 he had completed a three hundred room, nineteen story hotel in El Paso, Texas. He had hosted a party for twelve hundred people on opening night. That night Connie gave a glowing speech about America being the land of opportunity and told the audience that this "thing" ,as he called the Great Depression which started in 1929, "couldn't last." But he was wrong and by the end of 1931 he was broke.

Connie wasn't just broke he was under a mountain of debt. He had lost everything he had spent his life to build because of the Great Depression. He had to move his family into one of the hotels because he couldn't pay the mortgage. To keep going for a while he had even accepted a $300 loan from a bellboy, but that didn't last long. When he pulled into the gas station where he had credit the attendant told him he couldn't charge anymore gas. Then the attendant filled the tank and paid for it out of his own pocket.
Connie Hilton was living out of suitcases constantly traveling, desperately trying to raise enough money to keep his indebted hotels from being taken away. On one of these trips in December 1931 he had 38 cents in his pocket when he saw a picture in a magazine that changed his life. It was a picture of the Waldorf-Astoria on Park Avenue in New York City. This picture stirred him so deeply that he spent what little money he had to buy that magazine.
Looking back on this event Conrad Hilton remembered:

"[W]hen I saw my first photograph of the recently built "new" Waldorf in 1931, read of such luxuries as a private railroad siding in the basement, a private hospital for guests, a golden rivet in her innards where her construction had started, six kitchens, two hundred cooks, five hundred waiters, one hundred dishwashers, not to mention two thousand rooms, I was beating my way around Texas half hidden under a ten-gallon hat, existing on a voluntary loan from a bellboy. My laundry was in hock and a gun-toting constable was trying to find places to hang up the court judgments against me.
"It was a presumptuous, an outrageous time to dream. Still I cut out that picture of the Waldrof and wrote across it 'The Greatest of Them All'. As soon as I had won back a desk of my own I slipped the dog-eared clipping under the glass top. From then on it was always in front of me.
"Fifteen years later, in October,1949, 'The Greatest of Them All' became a Hilton Hotel."

Every day he looked at the picture to keep his goal in mind. Fifteen years later the Waldorf became a Conrad Hilton hotel.

When you see a Hilton Hotel from now on remember this story about a man who was broke but refused to be broken.

Use your Imagination to keep Your positive memories active

The famous golf pro Jack Nicklaus understands this. He wrote in his autobiography that he always first imagines the perfect shot before he ever swings. He says:

"it's like a color movie. First I 'see' the ball where I want it to finish, Then the scene quickly changes and I 'see' the ball going there: it's path, trajectory and shape, even it's behavior on landing. Then there is a sort of a fade-out, and the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the images into reality." If the body is in the business of taking orders why not give it orders to do it exactly right.

Your imagination is made of rearranged parts of memory

If you're into playing music listen to the story of Liu Shih-kum and his piano.

Liu Shih-kum was a world famous Chinese pianist when in he was thrown into prison by Mao Tse-Tung for playing western music instead of Communist. Liu was beaten repeatedly and kept in a tiny prison cell for six years with no books, no paper to write on and of coarse no piano. But Liu had hope because even in prison he took action. For six years he practiced on an imaginary piano.

Finally he was released by the Communists and allowed to come to Philadelphia were he played brilliantly with the orchestra even though on that night he had not touched a piano in over six years. He not only survived he flourished because he took action and automatically gave himself hope.

HOW to CASH a 10 Million Dollar BAD Check

Just two days before his father's death Jim Carrey had signed a $10 million deal to star in the sequel to his blockbuster hit movie THE MASK. Now he was a grieving son standing before a casket and remembering how much his father had believed in him.

Years before he and his father had dreamed he would someday make it big in movies. Jim believed it so strongly, that while he was still an unknown actor, he had written himself a check for $10 million for "acting services rendered."

Thankfully, Jim had the consolation that his father had lived to see him become a star. He had accomplished everything his father had "hoped his whole life for [him] to do. Now on this saddest of all days Jim paid tribute to his father by placing that well worn "worthless" check for $10 million he had written to himself inside the casket. Though worthless, that check was more valuable than any movie deal.

It had been Jim Carrey's way to POSITIVELY REMEMBER his belief in his dream and his love for his father who encouraged that dream. That check reminded him of HOPE and that hope ORDERED his mind into action, even when earning millions seemed only a distant fantasy.


Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the obscure island of Corsica of the coast of Italy. Although he later became the emperor of France he did not learn how to speak French until he was ten years old. One day when he was a little boy his Grandmother called him over and gave him a very special gift. It was a beautiful star sapphire stone. She told young Napoleon that he must take care of the stone because it had the magical power to make whoever owned it the Emperor of France.

The boy was so impressed by the stone he kept it with him his whole life. As you know Napoleon did go on to become the Emperor of France. Was the star sapphire stone really MAGIC? The answer is Yes and No.

When Napoleon died the stone was examined by expert jewelers and found to be a worthless fake. The precious magical stone with the power to make whoever owned it the Emperor of France was nothing more than a cheap imitation of a sapphire.

The stone was not real after all, but it had worked magic in the life of Napoleon. It was not the stone that was magic, but the fact that every time Napoleon saw the sapphire he remembered his dream. He was reminded that the stone had the power to transform a poor boy from nowhere into an Emperor in the heart of Paris.

Each time he looked at it, held it in his hands he TURNED ON the real source of the magic. The real power of his own memory to make what is not into what will be. When doubts and fears came along, Napoleon had the stone to remind him of the memory and the feeling he had as a boy when he first received the promise of future glory. His belief in his own success would then overcome the thoughts of doubt and fear.

The stone's real magic was to constantly remind him of his childhood belief until believing in success became his habit.

Success is only a side-effect of THIS

I believe the next story will help you fulfill your purpose in life and find lasting success and happiness in all you do.

This man was Viktor Frankl. During World War II he was sent to the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz. In this death camp where he spent over three years and lost his wife, Frankl discovered something great in man. It is ironic to find the glory of mankind in a place famous for the cruelty and evil of one people setting out to exterminate another. But in the doomed lives of his fellow prisoners Frankl found the one freedom that can never be taken away from man without his consent.

He wrote:

" We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.
And there were always choices to make. Every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which determined whether you would or would not submit to, those powers which threatened to rob you of your very self, your inner freedom; which determined whether or not you would become the plaything of circumstance, renouncing freedom and dignity to become molded into the form of the typical inmate."

Frankl found the great glory of mankind was his ability to choose.

He goes on to sum up his greatest idea:

"in the final analysis it becomes clear that the sort of person the prisoner became was the result of an inner decision, and not the result of camp influences alone. Fundamentally, therefore, any man can, even under such circumstances, decide what shall become of him-mentally and spiritually."

It seems obvious that a person has choice but you and I know in life how easy it is to believe we are not free. So, if you are free to choose;

Frankl said this inner strength came from hope for some future goal you could look forward to.

"It is the peculiarity of man that he can only live by looking to the future-and this is his salvation in the most difficult moments of his existence, although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task."

The future the person looks forward to didn't matter. It only mattered that to achieve this goal gave meaning to his life. A reason to get up and a guide for his actions. Some believed heaven waited for them, so they acted to please God. Some hoped to see their loved ones again and wanted to live in such a way that their family would be proud. Others wanted to create some work, like the book Frankl wanted to write, and wished to survive to do it.

Imagining the Future to Activate Hope

In his book Man's Search for Meaning, Frankl tells the story of how he lived through the horror of the concentration camp by imagining his future. They were made to march a few miles in the freezing cold with only thin rags to wear on their bodies and torn shoes on their feet. They were made to work all day and fed most the time only a watered down soup or a small piece of bread.

While marching one day in the bitter cold in tears because his feet hurt so much he began to imagine himself standing on the platform of a well-lit, warm and pleasant lecture room. He imagined he was giving a lecture on his experiences in the camps as if they had happened long ago.

As he gave his imaginary talk he was no longer suffering the pain or the cold-he was in the warm lecture hall of the future wearing clean clothes and being treated with respect. He was looking for his future by making detailed plans, he was expecting to live long enough to tell about this awful place. And this imagining the future was his salvation in the most difficult moments of his existence.

For example Frankl tells the following story:

"When I was taken to the concentration camp of Auschwitz, a manuscript of mine ready for publication was confiscated. Certainly, my deep desire to write this manuscript anew helped me to survive the rigors of the camps I was in. For instance, when in a camp in Bavaria I fell ill with typhus fever, I jotted down on little scraps of paper many notes intended to enable me to rewrite the manuscript, should I live to the day of liberation."

When you dream you're giving your body and mind orders to expect those dreams to come true. You're ordering your mind to take action and you're automatically giving yourself the gift of hope. This is the Power of Positive Remembering. This is the power to change your life into the life you've always hoped it would be.

All people are faced sooner or later with the questions:

Viktor Frankl believed the answers to the three above questions could only be answered by you, yourself. You have the choice of why your here, what's your purpose, and only you should decide what you want to do with the rest of your life.

When we are young we believe we have all the time in the world to do a hundred different careers. Unfortunately the choice is often made for us, by default. By failing to choose we end up where ever the chips fall. We come to believe its just our "fate" to be less than we dreamed as a child. After all we've had this and that circumstance to hinder us. And if only this person or that person had acted differently we could be in a much better position. But sooner or later we have to admit we are at fault. We either gave up our dreams because they seemed to hard to obtain or we really never choose a goal in the first place.

But how do you change this?

The answer is your imagination, your ability to visualize, your power to "see" in your mind anything you wish. This is the reason man can choose and therefore it is the tool you can use to control your mind and direct your life.

Frankl's most important advise is this;

"Don't aim at success . . . For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the UNINTENDED SIDE-EFFECT of one's personal DEDICATION TO A CAUSE greater than oneself or the BY-PRODUCT of one's SURRENDER TO A PERSON other than oneself."

Success is the natural fruit which grows out of the seeds of:

As Frankl has written it is you who can and must "decide what shall become of [you]" , so you must come to see yourself as the creator of your life, with a vision all your own and the natural ability to bring this vision to the world of the seen. This has far reaching implications because if God created you with the ability to create yourself and if inside you is a secret hidden vision you've always wanted-then it is your right and duty to create your vision.


THE HIDING PLACE is the true story of the life of Corrie ten Boom. During World War II, the Nazi's caught Corrie, her sister Betsie and her father helping Jews. They put the ten Boom family in prison for this. Eventually Corrie and Betsie ended up at the same prison camp called Ravensbruck. One day they were put in Barracks 28.

Corrie writes on page 197,

"[Betsie and I] followed our guide single file-the aisle was not wide enough for two-fighting back the claustrophobia of these platforms rising everywhere above us. The tremendous room was nearly empty of people; they must have been out on various work crews. At last [our guide] pointed to a second tier in the center of a large block. To reach it we had to stand on the bottom level, haul ourselves up, and then crawl across three other straw-covered platforms to reach the one tat we would share with-how many? The deck above us was too close to let us sit up. We lay back, struggling against the nausea that swept over us from the reeking straw. We could hear the women who had arrived with us finding their places.

Suddenly I sat up, striking my head on the cross-slats above. Something had pinched my leg.

"Fleas!" I cried. "Betsie, the place is swarming with them!"

We scrambled across the intervening platforms, heads low to avoid another bump, dropped down to the aisle, and edged our way to a patch of light.

"Here! And here another one!" I wailed. "Betsie, how can we live in such a place!"

"Show us. Show us how." It was said so matter of factly it took me a second to realize she was praying. More and more the distinction between prayer and the rest of life seemed to be vanishing for Betsie.

"Corrie!" she said excitedly. "He's given us the answer! Before we asked, as He always does! In the Bible this morning. Where was it? Read that part again!"

Corrie began reading a passage from the New Testament book 1st Thessalonians and when she got to the right part Betsie said,

"That's it, Corrie! That's His answer. 'Give thanks in all circumstances!' That's what we can do. We can start right now to thank God for every single thing about this new barracks!"

I stared at her, then around me at the dark, foul aired room.

"Such as?" I said.

"Such as being assigned here together."

I bit my lip. "Oh yes, Lord Jesus!"

"Such as what you're holding in your hands."

I looked down at the Bible. "Yes! Thank You, dear Lord, that there was no inspection when we entered here!

"Yes," said Betsie. "Thank You for the very crowding here. Since we're packed so close, that many more will hear!" She looked at me expectantly. "Corrie!" she prodded.

"Oh, all right. Thank You for the jammed, crammed, stuffed, packed, suffocating crowds."

"Thank You," Betsie went on serenely, "for the fleas and for -----"

The fleas! This was too much. "Betsie, there's no way even God can make me grateful for a flea."

" 'Give thanks in all circumstances,' " she quoted. "It doesn't say. 'in pleasant circumstances.' Fleas are part of this place where God has put us."
And so we stood between piers of bunks and gave thanks for fleas. But this time I was sure Betsie was wrong."

The secret to being happy all the time is to look for the blessings in all circumstances, constantly activating positive memories and feelings.


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