The Power of Positive Remembering

How to use real memories to boost your health, relieve pain, reduce stress and attract success.

Milton kept looking at the window and wishing
he could get close enough to look out.

Looking and wishing so badly
he could just get a little closer.

Then something truly wonderful happened . . .

Many years ago a seventeen year old boy was totally paralyzed and bedridden with polio.

His family were farmers, so while they went about the daily chores they would tie young Milton into an old rocking chair they had also made into a potty and set him up so he could look out at the world.

One day Milton's family got busy and left him in the middle of the room. Helpless, Milton kept looking at the window and wishing he could get close enough to look out. Looking and wishing so bad he could just get a little closer. Then something truly wonderful happened. As he sat there he suddenly realized his chair was beginning to rock ever so slightly.

Excited by this and he began to wonder was it an accident, or did his thinking about moving the chair actually cause his paralyzed muscles to move just a little.

The tiny movement of that rocking chair would have gone unnoticed by most people but to him it changed his life forever.

He would sit for hours staring at his hand and trying to remember how his fingers felt when they grabbed the handle of a pitchfork, and how did it feel to climb a tree and hold onto a limb with his hand.

The real memory of swinging from tree to tree by grasping the branches caused his now paralyzed fingers to twitch and with practice to eventually return to his control.

Slowly bit by bit his fingers began
to twitch and move in tiny jerking ways.

Weeks and months of constant practice paid off as the movements became progressively greater and more coordinated until they got to the point Milton could consciously control them.

Milton Erickson began to understand he was causing these movements by constantly remembering some activity he had actually done before the polio.

What is Positive Remembering?

This online book is about how to use real memories to boost your health, relieve pain, reduce stress and attract success.

The reason real memories can do these things is:

Memories actually record the instructions your body needs to re-establish health.

What is Memory?

To understand what Positive Remembering is there are six important facts you need to know about your memory.

1. Your Memories are as real and physical as your arms and legs

Your memories are real, physical things. They are not other-worldly, they are not made of something that can not be seen or touched. Your memories are a part of your physical body in the same way as your arms, legs, fingers and toes are parts of you.

Your memories, your emotions, all the things you have learned in a lifetime are "written" on the real living cells of your brain. These cells are called neurons and you probably have over 100 billion of them inside your head right now.

Memories are real because they can be lost.

We know memories are real physical things because just as you can lose a finger or a toe you can lose memories. For example, an injury, stroke, or tumor in the left side of the brain can cause a person to lose their abilities to speak, or read, or write or do mathematics. Alzheimer disease can gradually rob a person of a whole lifetime of memories.

We know memories are real physical things because damage to certain areas of the brain can cause us to be unable to do something we've learned to do but leave other abilities intact. For example, it takes five different areas of the brain to speak out loud a word we see written on a page. Damage to any one of those areas causes a person to lose some specific ability. If the angular gyrus is damaged a person can speak but not read. Damage in the Broca's area will leave a person unable to speak. Damage the Werniche's area will leave a person unable to understand what that written word means. Damage to these areas of the brain can also cause strange problems such as a person who can write but not read, read numbers but not letters, or sing but not speak.

You can build up your muscle
you can build up your Brain

Another reason we know memories are real physical things is the fact that learning actually changes the physical make-up of the brain.

Years ago a scientist named Mark Rosenzweig discovered learning causes the brain to grow. He found this out by raising two sets of rats.

The first set were rats who were raised in separate cages all alone with no exercise and play area.

The second set were rats who were raised in a group with many other rats and a community play and exercise area.

The results were so surprising to the scientist that he repeated this test many times before he published the results.

What was so surprising?

The rats which were raised alone had smaller, less developed brain tissue than the rats raised in the stimulating group cages.

Other researchers have found that if a rat is stimulated in a certain area of his body the area in the rat's brain which controls that area will grow.

The brain actually changes and grows in the areas
which control the things we learn the most.

The person who spends thousands of hours playing the piano actually increases the size of those areas of her brain which controls her fingers. We all know some one who because of blindness has highly developed senses of hearing and smelling.

You can change the size of your muscles by exercising them with weights
You also change the physical structure of your brain by the things you learn

Understanding your memories, your learning and your emotions are real physical parts of your body that can be changed is one of the most important ideas in this book. Imagine how you could change your brain if you exercised it with the weights of learning something you really love. Imagine how you could change your health by "exercising" the memories which naturally boost your immune system.

2. You have a tremendous number of abilities stored in your memories.

The human memory is the most advanced and marvelous thing ever created. Within your memory, right now as you read this, is enough information to write a best-selling book, enough mental pictures to paint as great as Michelanglo, enough sounds to make more music than a thousand C.D.'s. Your mind knows more about how to maintain health than all the doctors on earth. A thousand computers and ten thousand books could not contain what you already have stored in your head.

Your memory is a vast storehouse of information ready, willing, and able to help you change your life and bring your unrealized dreams to the world of the seen.

  • Your memory is not just the things you can remember at will, but much more, it's every meaningful thing you've experienced since before birth. It includes learning such as how to walk, how to form sounds and speak by putting your tongue in certain positions or opening or closing your lips.
  • Because of memory we know how to speed up or slow down our heart rate. For example we've learned without thinking that certain things scare us and even the thought of one of those things makes our heart beat faster.
  • Because of memory we also know how to raise or lower our blood pressure. We know without thinking that lying in the sun at the beach or just imagining doing that makes our blood pressure go down.
  • Because of memory we even know how to direct more or less blood to flow to certain areas of our bodies just let someone embarrass you and you'll realize that you know how to make more blood go to your face in the form of a blush.

3. Your memories can be active "remembered"
or dormant "seemingly forgotten"

Memories exist in two forms. They are either in a state of being actively remembered or they seem to be lost or forgotten.

Many people claim they have poor memories but scientists tell us we have a lot more stored than we realize. For example in a famous study scientists found that 25 years after graduation people said they could not recall many of their former classmates, but when they were shown a random set of pictures and names they were able to pick out 90% of their classmates.

The fact is you actually remember much more than you realize. Most of the information you have learned is not lost, it is just in storage waiting for you to release it.

What you think is forgotten is really only in storage.

The ATM experience

Have you ever pulled up to an ATM machine to get a little spending cash and suddenly been overwhelmed by a case of complete amnesia? You look in the mirror and see five carloads of anxious people behind you and you can't remember your secret number. You look in the rear view mirror and decide to fake them out and pretend to punch in your number. Then something truly amazing happens. Your finger seems to know what numbers to push. You are fascinated to find the number your finger punched is the correct secret number

Your memory has learned things without you knowing it learned them.

One day not too long ago I found this Jimi Hendrix cassette of mine in an old dusty box. I was really glad it wasn't lost because a few years back I used to listen to it every day while I walked. So I took my long lost tape out to the car to listen to on the way to work and an amazing thing happened, each time a song would end, somehow, after years of not hearing this tape, I knew the beginning of the next song before it started to play. I don't mean I knew a few of the songs. I literally knew what the next song was going to be without a single mistake. After a while I tried to consciously guess what the next song would be but I never could. The tune flashed into my mind only during the silence between the songs.


A good example of this is my son's whistling tree. My son and I recently visited a place I lived when he was five years old. As we were walking around the property my son suddenly stopped and smiled as he looked at one particular tree.

"What is it," I asked?

And he said completely surprised, "You taught me how to whistle under this tree!"

His memory had been held in storage or as we say "forgotten" for all those years until he walked under that particular tree. There are many trees on that property but only one that called my son's memory out of storage.

Take this test if you know how to type.

Question: Which three letters does your left pinkie finger control?

I guarantee if you answered that question you had to visualize a picture of either the keypad or of typing something to do it. However, anyone who knows how to type could sit down right now and type Q A Z with their left pinkie without thinking.

Here's another test you can take to demonstrate what your memory has learned without you knowing it.

Question: Do you know if the tip of your tongue presses against your top teeth or bottom when you say the letter "L" ?

Without trying it just now, you probably could not get that answer right, yet you obviously have that information stored somewhere "up there" in your head.


So somewhere "up there" in our brain there are a tremendous number of memories stored so well we're probably not aware we even have them.

Some of them like the ATM and Jimi Hendrix memories are so amazing they are what I call a "WOW!!! experience". Because when they happen to you, you just think WOW!!!

We spend so much time complaining about our bad memories and hearing others complain about their bad memories, that when a truly amazing "WOW!!! experience" occurs it's hard to believe. If we take the time to think about how amazing these "WOW!!! experiences" are we're suddenly faced with the realization that there must be a huge amount of information "up there" in our head somewhere which seems to show itself only when it feels like it.

If we take a little more time to think about our WOW!!! experience we'll also realize how truly wonderful it would be if we could find some way to release and use this ocean of stored knowledge trapped inside our heads.

4. Your memories are grouped and connected

When a memory is recorded in the brain it is not filed away by itself but instead it's linked with other related memories.

Memories are recorded as complete experiences. Every sight, smell, sound, other people involved, the place it happened, your heart rate, blood pressure, your feelings and emotions about the situation are all linked together in your memory.

Your memory automatically connects some experiences to others.

Do you know of a certain kind of food that actually makes you sick if you eat it? In fact, you probably can't stand to even smell it, and thinking about it right now kind of makes you nauseous.

For me it's turnip greens. I used to love to smell them cooking

(if you are not from the South
"greens" cook in a big pot for a really long time).

Anyway smelling them cook and eating them was such a treat for me. But, one day, I got sick and you guessed it, turnip greens were on my stomach at the time. Actually they came out of my stomach at the time.

Now, I don't think the greens made me sick that day, I was just sick and I had eaten them by chance. Regardless of what did it, since that day I can't stand the smell of turnip greens cooking and the thought of eating them makes me sick.

Most of the time it is good for us when such things as sickness and turnip greens are connected in our memories. This connection could stop us from eating something harmful.

If greens were really something that were bad for me, then the smell of them would be connected with the feeling of being sick to my stomach and automatically keep me from eating them. Just as getting burned as a child immediately teaches the child to keep his hands away from the stove.

One Connected System

The brain and body may seem like two separate parts but they are really ONE CONNECTED SYSTEM.

Every part of you talks to every other part. Every single part -- whether it is a single cell or an organ like the heart, or even the brain itself -- influences every other part. They are all like a wheel with spokes, each spoke is attached to all the other spokes.

For example, a cold virus enters the body and effects the whole body - not just the nose, but also the emotions, the dreams at night and the way we deal with other people that day.

And just as on the tiny level of a cold virus that can effect the emotions and dreams, so too can the things we see and feel and think and dream effect our body on the cellular level.

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness have been shown to cause the cells of the immune system to slow down their attack on disease. (more on this in the next chapter)

How can thoughts and feelings "talk" to the cells of your body?

And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts and feelings?

The answer is your brain and body have a system like the U.S. Post Office.

When you address a letter you include the name, street, city, state and zip code of the person you want the letter to be delivered to. The post office sorts the mail and hand delivers each piece to the mailbox at that certain address (most of the time)

LETTERS -- Instead of "letters" your body and brain have extremely small substances which are called by many different names such as Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Endorphins etc.

ADDRESS -- Instead of having a written address like the U.S. Mail - your body's "letters" have a certain shape like a "key".

MAILBOXES -- On each cell in your body there are tiny "mailbox" like receptors. Each of these "mailbox" receptors is also shaped a certain way like a "lock" so that only the right shaped "key" can be delivered.

Your brain can "talk" to the cells of your body using this system. And not only can the brain talk to the body but the body can also talk back to the brain.

The cells of the body can send their own "letters shaped like keys" which travel back to the brain and fit into the right "mailbox locks" there. It is like the body is saying "I heard you and this is what I think".

Your body and mind use these tiny "letters" to do such things as:

1. regulate ovulation,
2. menstruation,
3. blood pressure,
4. heart rate and breathing rate,
5. sexual development,
6. blood sugar levels,
7. pain reduction or pain blocking,
8. and the recording and recalling of memories.

So your brain stores your memories, thoughts and feelings with the same substances it uses to regulate things in the body. EVERY PART IS CONNECTED.

This wonderful communication system is how thoughts which are as real and physical as any other part of your body can influence the working of the cells of your immune system.

This is also how the cells of your body can influence the thoughts, feelings and dreams of your mind.

5. You can make a memory active by seeing, hearing, feeling, doing or imagining something connected to that memory.

In each of the above "WOW!!! Experiences" there was some ACTION that seemed to act as a key that unlocked the memory such as:

  • pressing the buttons on the ATM, or
  • waiting for the silence after the song, or
  • picturing your fingers on the keyboard
  • the sight of the tree.

The memories were ALWAYS RECALLED by something related to the memory.

Your memories are stored like library books. If you want to find a certain book you look it up either by the subject, or by the title, or by the author's name:

Remembering your memories, your feelings, your ATM numbers are like finding a library book - they will not be "remembered" until you look them up by activating something that has been stored with them.

For example, the sight of the tree automatically helped my son's brain look up the forgotten memory of learning to whistle. The tree also unlocked the memory of me being there and how he felt great about learning to whistle. He effortlessly recalled the whole learning to whistle experience out of storage by the sight of that one tree.

You Can Choose to Remember and therefore choose to CHANGE: By purposely seeing, hearing, doing or imagining something related to the memory you want to recall.

6. Remembering Activates Everything Connected

Now what I'm about to tell you is one of the most important concepts I want you to remember.
It is the key to understanding how Positive Remembering works.

When YOU choose to see, hear, do or imagine something you are:

COMMMANDING - your brain to remember other related memories, thoughts, feelings and activities.

ORDERING - your body to feel and function the way it did when those memories were recorded.
In other words your heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, etc. will be like they were when those memories were recorded.

COMMANDING - opposite memories, emotions and body states to be put back in storage or "forgotten".

Memories like fear are forgotten when opposite emotions are remembered.

In 1923 the famous hypno-therapist Emil Coué wrote:

"Every thought solely occupying our mind becomes true for us and tends to transform itself into action."

Coué was a pharmacist by training but he became fascinated with the practice of hypnotism. After years of study he opened a free clinic in Nancy, France where he eventually treated between 15,000 to 40,000 patients annually. In the early 1920's Coué's fame spread all over the western world and many "Coué Institutes" were opened in Europe and the U.S.

He believed that every thought (OR MEMORY) dominating the mind ordered the brain and body to take action. Coué noticed a strange thing would happen to his patients if he could get them to strongly imagine they were becoming well - all thoughts of becoming sicker would go away.

"It is impossible to think of two things at once"

When you are trying to do something what you are really doing is imagining there is some obstacle in the way, stopping you from doing it. In other words you are thinking two opposite thoughts at the same time. One thought says "you can" and the other says "you can't". Coué came to understand that both of these thoughts were giving conflicting orders to the brain and body - but like a game of tug-of-war the thought with the strongest emotion would always win.

Coués most important discovery was this fact that two opposing thoughts cannot exist in the mind without one of them winning and sending the other to be forgotten.

He summed up his discovery this way

"it is impossible to think of two things at once. You cannot imagine yourself getting sicker and at the same time getting better. One or the other of the self-images must be chosen. Therefore, if you can make a sick person think that his trouble is getting better, it will disappear; if you succeed in making a kleptomaniac think that he will not steal any more, he will cease to steal, etc."

Coué makes what he meant clear with this story.

"Supposing that we place on the ground a board about 30 feet long by 1 foot wide; it is clear that everyone would be capable of walking from one end to the other without stepping off the sides.

Let us change the condition of the experiment and suppose this board was placed as high as a [spires of a cathedral]. Who is then the person who would be capable of advancing but one yard upon this narrow way? Decidedly no one. You will not have taken two steps before you will begin to tremble, and then, in spite of all efforts of the will, you would unfailingly fall to the ground.

Why, then, do you not fall if the plank is on the ground, and why do you fall if it is raised high in the air? Simply because, in the first place, you imagine that it is easy for you to go to the end of the plank, while in the second place, you imagine that you will not be able to do it."

When you give your mind a strong, vivid image it will dominate any opposite thoughts. This image will cause your brain to put those opposing thoughts in storage or as we say "forget" them.

Children do this naturally. They become a pirate or a princess. They don't try; they actually become the character of their choice instantly and without effort. Their whole personality changes immediately. For a time this play orders their brain to "forget" the real world.


Dr. Lewis Thomas described your storehouse of memories by calling them:

"a kind of superintelligence that exists in each of us infinitely smarter and possessed of technical know how far beyond our present understanding."

POSITIVE REMEMBERING is the key you can use to unlock the POWER of the super intelligence within you.

Positive Remembering is PURPOSELY CHOOSING TO SEE, HEAR, IMAGINE or DO something which will automatically unlock all the powerful tools for change your memories have been collecting since birth.


The smell of a certain cookie baking brings with it the feelings and images of Grandma's house that were recorded at the same time you learned 'that smell' meant you were going to get something good to eat and probably a hug and kiss, too.

If you want to feel that same calm, safe feeling you had at Grandma's you can POSITIVELY REMEMBER by imagining you are a child again at Grandma's house or you could bake the same kind of cookies she used to bake.

Or the sight of a growling dog automatically triggers memories of fearing mean dogs, and all the related feelings such as increasing blood pressure, heart rate, fear - these are all linked together.

But, when you Positively Remember a friendly family pet you are ORDERING your mind to remember calmness and automatically putting feelings of fear or tension back in storage or "FORGETTING" them.

You can slow your heart rate when you're afraid, not by trying not to be afraid, but by POSITIVELY REMEMBERING things that calm you.

By trying not to do or think something - you are actually ordering the mind to remember the very feelings you're wanting to get rid of.

The following story illustrates very well how Positive Remembering works.


Your memory knows how to get Bugs Bunny to stop a little girls bleeding.

There was once a little girl who was a free bleeder who came to an emergency room with a cut in her mouth that was bleeding really hard. One of the nurses had a natural understanding of the way the mind works and had an idea of how to help.

She looked the little girl in the eye and asked, "What's your favorite cartoon?" The little girl said Bugs Bunny. So the nurse said to the girl "I bet if you close your eyes, you can see Bugs right now in your mind".

The little girl closed her eyes and shortly said she saw him.

Then the nurse asked, "Could you have Bugs chew some gum? Can you see him chewing gum and blowing bubbles?"

"Yes, he's blowing bubbles" the girl said.

"Good" said the nurse, "now can you look around the room in your mind where Bugs is chewing gum and see if you can find a crack in the wall where the blood is leaking out? Do you see the crack?"

"Yes," the girl said

The nurse said, "Good, I wonder if you could ask Bugs to stick his bubble gum in that crack and stop the blood from getting out?"

A few seconds later the little girl said "Bugs did it"

"Good," said the nurse "now that bleeding will stop"! And in seconds it did completely stop.

So what memories did the girl tap into when the nurse asked her about Bugs Bunny and chewing gum?

Memories her body had of calm Saturday mornings warm and safe at home watching Bugs on TV. Memories of how sticky bubble gum is.
You see the little girl was a free bleeder which had probably been told that if she bled she couldn't stop. So the sight of blood also called out of storage the emotion of fear and the learning of how to speed up the heart.

The nurse didn't try to talk the girl out of her fear, if she had she would have only made her fear stronger. The nurse simply bypassed the memories of not being able to stop bleeding and instead got the girl to remember Bugs Bunny. When Bugs was called out of storage what other kinds of memories do you think were called out with him? Right! Feelings of calmness and memories of laughter.

You do not have to fight fear - it will automatically be put back in storage when an opposite emotion is "remembered". And let me ask you this, what kid doesn't know how sticky gum is? How it sticks to your shoes and how it sticks in your hair and Mama has to cut it out, right? So if Bugs puts that sticky stuff in the crack, it won't come out and the blood will have to stop, right? Somehow this gives the mind the order to stop the blood that it naturally knows how to do but hasn't so far because the free bleeding memories told it not to.

We don't have to know how the body stops bleeding to get it to stop.

Your memories are powerful because when your brain stores them they are automatically connected to other memories, other emotions and the condition of the body existing at the time. This connection is the reason Positive Remembering can be turned on in these various ways:

  • The conditions of the body (muscle tension, heart rate, breathing, immune function) are influenced by the thoughts, emotions and memories in the mind. Change the memories and you automatically change the condition the body.
  • The thoughts, emotions, and memories active in the mind are influenced by the condition of the body. Reduce the tension in your body and you automatically change the thoughts and feelings in the mind.
  • What we see, hear, do or imagine changes the memories and the condition of the body. See a growling dog coming toward you and your memories and body will change immediately.

Bugs Bunny and Chewing Gum

Memories of Saturday morning cartoons at home relaxing and safe,
which cause

Senses to ignore hospital, and gushing blood.
which causes

Body to decrease heart rate, relax muscle tension and stop bleeding.
which in turn

Replaces feeling of fear in the Mind.

The Body naturally knows how to stop bleeding-
it just has to be COMMANDED to do it.

How can this little memory lesson change the way you live your life?

1. PHYSICAL -Your memories are as real and physical as any other part of your body.

  • We learned memories can be lost.
  • We learned you can build up your brain by continuing to repeat something you have learned, like you can build up your muscles by repeating an exercise.

2. MANY ABILITIES STORED -You have a tremendous number of abilities stored in your memories.

  • We learned our memories contain more information than a thousand computers and ten thousand books.
  • We learned our memories can control the operation of our body such as heart rate, blood flow, muscle tension.

3. EITHER ACTIVE OR DORMANT -Your memories can be active - "remembered" or dormant - "forgotten".

4. CONNECTED -Your memories are grouped and connected with other related memories, emotions and body conditions.

  • We learned the body state of being sick can be grouped with the memory of a food
  • We learned our whole body, brain and what we notice and ignore in the world are connected. If we change any part and we influence changes in every other part.
  • We learned the brain and body "talk" to each other by sending back and forth tiny "key shaped letters" such as hormones, endorphins, and neurotransmitters.
  • We learned thoughts, emotions, memories are stored by the brain by using these same "key shaped letters", so when we change what we are thinking we automatically release the chemicals we need to order the body's cells to change.

5. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO REMEMBER -You can make a memory active (remember it) by seeing, hearing, feeling, doing or imagining something connected to that memory.

  • We learned to remember something we think is forgotten all we have to do is see, hear, imagine or do something which was stored with the memory we need - like putting our fingers on the ATM keypad, or seeing the actual tree we learned to whistle under, or imagining a safe Saturday morning watching cartoons.

6. REMEMBERING ACTIVATES EVERYTHING CONNECTED - When a group of memories are remembered they activate related emotions and body states and put everything unrelated back in storage:

  • We learned two opposite emotions, two opposite memories can not be active in the mind together for long. One will dominate the other. The strongest will put the weakest into storage and make it "forgotten".
  • We learned by imagining Bugs Bunny we could order our body to relax and our senses to ignore the gushing blood.

If you want to learn more, continue with Chapter 2: Remembering for Health.

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Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do

Daily Plan
Releasing the Power
of your Memories

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do

Encourage  Motivate  Inspire
Encourage Motivate Inspire by mrindianajonesprm
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Healing Power of Humor & Optimism by dantin
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positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. B. Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. B. Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. B. Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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Fuller, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics, John Goddard, 127 Things To Do, Conrad Hilton, Waldroff Astoria, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, Cy Young, Robert Ornstein, Elmer Green, Alyce Green, Jeanne Achterberg, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, T Cells, Norman Cousinspositive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, free book, mental health, memories, memory, memory, remember, positive thinking, remembering, body, mind, emotions, Milton Erickson, measure for measure, reaping what you sow, poetic justice, reciprocity, reciprocity, Mark Rosenzweig, Michelanglo, blood pressure, heart rate, graduation, classmate, Emil Coué, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Emil Coue, Nancy France, Dr. Lewis Thomas, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, BUGS BUNNY, polio, cancer, warts, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo, Lamb Chop, crayons, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, Marx Brothers, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, rocking chair, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, crickets, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, phobia, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, stress, fear, Yoga, Dolly Parton, mustard seed key chain, oil filter, Napoleon, Corrie ten Boom, Nazi, The Hiding Place, Christiane Amanpour, Honda, Soichiro Honda, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Gretzkey, S. 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