The Power of Positive Remembering
Seven Traits of Successful People

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Cheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

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Within your brain you have many memories of successful experiences in your life. You also have many memories of seeing and hearing about the success of others.

Positive Remembering has power because your body can not tell the difference between what is your real memory and an imaginary memory made of bits and pieces of other people's success.

In other words you can learn of other people's success, adopt their technique's as your own and your body will behave as if these were real experiences.

Your senses respond by looking and listening for things in the outside world which match the dream you have given them. [see Brain Filters]

The mind through the senses will also ignore things which do not agree with the dream you've given it.
For example,
Dolly Parton was a poor girl isolated in the Tennessee mountains in reality. But she feed her mind stories of others success in Country Music. She also feed it by dreaming and fantasizing that her life would be like those successful stars. These stories became so real to her that her mind automatically responded by looking for signs of her own success and excluding anything that did not agree with her image, such as poverty, other people saying "you can't make it", and the remoteness of the mountains.

In this appendix I want you to learn SEVEN things all successful people have done or thought to make their dreams come true. As you learn these secrets they will become part of your memories. You can blend in your dreams with the techniques of these successful people and automatically order your mind to look for your own success.

1. They recognized their dream whenever and wherever they found it

Some people have known what they wanted all their lives. However, this knowing is the exception, not the rule. For most of us, we seem to drift because we don't know what we want to do

All successful people have recognized their dream when ever and where ever they found it.


As they went about their daily lives, they came across some subject, some object, some certain something which lit the fires of wonder and imagination in them. Put simply - they fell in love with this thing or idea as soon as they encountered it.

A Blind Date that turned into Love

The famous CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour who has won many awards for her work in some of the world's most dangerous nations is also one of those people who recognized her dream when she found it.

Christiane told Mike Wallace on "60 Minutes" that finding her dream was "like a blind date that turned into love."

She goes on to tell the story of how her sister took a journalism class which she ended up hating. Her sister decided to try to get a refund and Christiane just went along. The college wouldn't give her sister a refund. So Christiane said, "Well, can I take the course?" The answer was yes and she says "that set me on my way.'

He went running after the car

Another person whose dream found him was Soichiro Honda, the founder of Honda Motor Company.

One day when he was very young he saw his first automobile. At that time cars were rare in Japan and the sight of this one was enough to light the fires of young Honda's imagination for the rest of his life.

He wrote about that day many years later with the same emotion he had felt then:

"Forgetting about everything else, I went running after the car . . . I was deeply stirred . . . I think it was at that moment though I was a mere child, that the idea originated I would one day build a car myself."

  1. Have You Recognized Your Dream When You Found It?
  2. Has your dream found you?
  3. Has some idea, some event, some subject, or object sparked your imagination?
  4. Have you had a blind date and fallen in love with crafts, tinkering with something mechanical, maybe writing, or painting? Have you been "deeply stirred" by airplanes, computers, movies, insects, ballet, or some musical instrument.

If you answered yes to any of these questions you may have recognized your dream when you found it.

  • If you have always had a special love for something your dream may have found you.
  • If you have been deeply stirred by something you may have found your dream.

Remember a dream can be recognized in childhood or old age. It could come from your own imagination or be handed to you by others or even by some "chance" meeting.

2. They Clearly Defined What They Wanted

Dennis Waitley who writes about how to be successful said,

"Most people fail to achieve their goals because they never really set them in the first place."

Wayne Gretzkey the Hockey star said,

"It's not as important to know where the puck is now as to know where it will be."

S. B. Fuller said,

"If you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it when you see it."

Mary Kay Ash, who grew Mary Kay Cosmetics from a storefront and nine saleswomen into an international direct sales giant wrote,

"You have to have a road map if you expect to get to your destination. The same is thing is true of your life. Without a plan, a road map, you will never get where you want to go. To accomplish anything, you must sit down and decide what you what from life - your long-term goals."

127 Things to Do

The best example of this is a man named John Goddard who at age 15 heard an older man talking about how he regretted not doing something when he was young. Hearing this make John think about how he never wanted to be old and know he had not done the things in life he wanted.

So young John Goddard wrote a list of 127 things he wanted to do in life. By the time he was in his 60's he had done 115 of them, including rafting down the Nile River, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, and learning how to fly. Each time he would go on one of his trips he would come home and lecture about it in order to make money for the next adventure on his list.

The last item on John's list (#127) was to live until the year 2000. For the last few years John Goddard has been successfully battling cancer and I believe his long-goal of completing his list has been one of the factors in his continued survival.

3. They Constantly Kept Their Dream In Front Of Them

All successful people write their dreams down, or draw a picture of them, or tape record them, or get a photograph of the thing they want. All successful people keep this reminder constantly in front of their face.

Conrad Hilton kept the picture of the Waldroff.
Viktor Frankl kept writing his lost manuscript on tiny pieces of paper.
Jim Carrey always kept his $10 million check in his wallet.

Remember what Emil Coué said,

"Every thought solely occupying our mind becomes true for us and tends to transform itself into action."

4. They Eagerly Educated Themselves About Their Dream

  • While a child Thomas Edison wanted to learn so badly that he started at the first bookcase, first row of the public library and started reading. He did not stop until he had read every single book in the library.
  • Abraham Lincoln worked hard all day and studied a law book by the light of the fireplace at night.
  • Steven Spielberg used every extra minute he had as a child making 8mm movies, learning how to make special effects and learning how to edit different scenes in order to tell a story on film.

Once you know what your passion is - learn everything you can about it, even if you have to start from nothing.

5. They Didn't Listen To "No" Sayers

The modern world we live in is the best evidence I can think of to not listen to those who say, "You can't do it or it can't be done." We are literally surrounded by inventions and ideas that were once thought of as impossible science fiction.

  • The Wright Brothers didn't listen when people said man was not meant to fly.
  • John Kennedy didn't listen when people said a Catholic can never become President.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't listen when people said segregation will never change.
  • Young Thomas Edison didn't listen when his grammar school teacher told his mother to take him out of school because he was a dunce who would never amount to anything.
  • Franklin Roosevelt didn't listen when people said he was finished in politics because he had polio.

As Mary Kay Ash says,

"All the experts say the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, its' body is too heavy for its' wings. But the bumblebee doesn't know this and it flies very well."

If you want to succeed don't listen to the no sayers, listen to your heart.

6. They Understood Each Failure as Another Step Closer to Success

Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne wrote about his famous one man walk to the North Pole:

"There are two great times of happiness - when you are haunted by a dream, and when you realize it. Between the two there's a strong urge to let it all drop. But you have to follow your dreams to the end."

Soichiro Honda wrote,

"Many people dream of success. To me success can be achieved only through repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success represents the 1 percent of your work that results from the 99 percent that is called failure."

  • Cy Young holds the record for the most wins 512 and the record for the most losses 313
  • Henry Ford went bankrupt twice before he hit it big with the Model T.
  • Lincoln lost every political race he entered until he finally won the big one, when he was sixty years old.
  • Thomas Edison had over 1,000 failures before he perfected the light bulb.

Ted Turner says.

"Never get discouraged and never quit. Because if you never quit, you're never beaten."

7. They Gave Their Dream a "Higher Purpose"

People who succeed must find a way to make their dream help more than just themselves. Just as in all successful marriages each partner must surrender to the other in order to become united.

In life your dream must offer the world something greater than your own happiness.

  • Jim Carrey wanted to make people laugh.
  • Henry Ford wanted to make cars cheap enough so the average person could afford one.
  • Alexander Bell invented the telephone while trying to find a way to help the deaf.
  • Martin Luther King wanted to see all children of America grow up together and equal under the law.

Did they do this just to help others and not themselves? No, they helped themselves by helping others. The point is not to be a saint, but to help others get what they want. If you help other people get what they dream about, they will help you succeed.

The Seven Traits of Successful People

  1. They recognized their dream whenever and wherever they found it.
    Have you discovered something you naturally love?
  2. They clearly defined what they wanted.
    Have you wrote out exactly what you want?
  3. They constantly kept their dream in front of them.
    Do you have a drawing, picture, audio recording or written blueprint of your dream that you can see everyday?
  4. They eagerly educated themselves about their dream.
    Are you spending time each day learning every thing you can about your dream?
  5. They didn't listen to No Sayers.
    Are you refusing to listen to those who would steal your dream with their negative opinions?
  6. They understood each failure as another step closer to success.
    Have you quit because of a failure or are you counting on failures as a part of the success process?
  7. They gave their dreams a "higher purpose".
    How will your dream benefit other people?

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