How to use real memories to boost your health, relieve pain, reduce stress and attract success.

The Power of
Positive Remembering

How to improve your HEALTH by releasing the power of your MEMORIES

this website has been on Tripod since 1999, this book written in 1997

by Bob Briggs, creator of the YouTube video,
"Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off"

You can use Positive Remembering to Improve Your Health

In the last chapter you learned what Positive Remembering was and what kinds of powerful abilities you have stored in your memory.

In this chapter I want to show you the specific ways you can use Positive Remembering to release your body's natural abilities to Boost Your Health.

I want you to see two sides of the story. The first is the ability of the body to heal itself and the second is the destructive ability of the body and mind to destroy it's health and even kill itself. It is very important to see both sides because then you will know the full power of your memory.

The Doctor Who Painted Warts

Doctor Lewis Thomas, who called your mind "a kind of super intelligence", was very interested in the cure of warts. Why? Because he had noticed that warts could be cured by the body with some pretty unscientific methods.

He wrote:

"[warts] can be made to go away by something called thinking, or something like thinking"

He and many other doctors had found that if they put some kind of worthless colored ointment on a wart and told their patients the wart would go away, to their amazement it usually did. So they reasoned that if the ointment was worthless the body itself must know how to cure warts.

The amazing thing to them was the paint seemed to turn on the body's natural ability to heal the warts. Doctor Thomas called this natural ability of the body to heal itself a kind of superintelligence within us which must have all of the abilities of "a surgeon, a skilled engineer and manager, a chief executive officer, and a cell biologist of world class."

So why did the body not go ahead and heal the warts without the ointment?

Maybe because the body was operating under the group of memories that told it you have to have medicine to get rid of warts. After all you remember Aunt So-and-So having to go to the doctor to get rid of hers', right? But the ointment was medicine and now the opposite group of healing memories is called out of storage.

Although you don't know how the body does it, this group of memories gives the body the order to destroy the warts.

The Power of Negative Remembering

Why does the body occasionally kill itself.

Have you ever known someone who just gave up after a doctor told them they had just a short time to live?

Do you remember the woman from Florida who was
incorrectly told she had AIDS. Her health immediately deteriorated and she began showing the signs of sickness. Only months later when she was told the test results were wrong did she make a complete recovery. I would be willing to bet the woman would have eventually died with AIDS like symptoms if she hadn't found out the truth.

What's going on inside these people's bodies we can only speculate about but we do know what's going on in their thoughts and imaginations.
All the memories and learning about death, disease, and fear have been activated by the words of a medical doctor. The group of memories about how to be healthy and maintain health have been put into storage and as we say FORGOTTEN. Every memory of their own sicknesses and the sicknesses and deaths of people they've known are called out of storage and are now giving their bodies the order to be sick and die.

Believe me this is not that far fetched because when you think of all the germs and viruses we are all subjected to every day you'll realize that if you
turn down or turn off your body's immune system you would be overcome by sickness in a few days.

Have you have ever heard of "Voodoo Death"?

Many years ago when Christian missionaries were sent to remote and isolated tribes to convert them they noticed a terrible phenomenon among the people, a witch doctor would curse someone and the person would die shortly thereafter.

An example of this was the case of a young tribal man who came to a hospital and told the doctor he would die in a few days because a curse had been put on him and nothing could be done about it. The doctor had known the tribal man for many years so he decided to run every test he could to give the man some peace of mind and assure him he would not die. The tests were run and the man was found to be totally healthy but this knowledge didn't help. The man lay in bed and grew weaker. The next day at eleven A.M. the apparently healthy man was dead of no known cause except sheer terror of the curse.

Modern scientists have actually identified a part of the brain which might be responsible for these sudden unexplained deaths. A small area of the brain called the
insular cortex has been found to cause heart damage when it is stimulated by extreme hopelessness or fright.

And don't think for a minute we who live in the modern world are immune from this kind of death from fear. Every time there is an earthquake or some other natural disaster several people die of sudden heart attacks.

What you think may determine
how long YOU Live

Let me ask you another question that has to do with what we've been talking about:

Which is a better predictor of future health; how a person rates their own health or a doctor's objective report of how healthy that person is?
Which is better the
person's opinion or the Doctor's report?

A few years back in Manitoba, Canada 3500 senior citizens were asked the question,

"For your age would you say, in general,
your health is excellent, good, fair, poor, or bad?"

Each one of the 3500 were also given a complete exam by a doctor and a report was made. For seven years each person was monitored to see which was the most accurate predictor of actual health;

  1. what the person believed his/her health to be?

  2. or what the doctor reported their health to be?


The results were amazing:

If the person believed he/she was in good health but the doctor's report said he was in poor health -- the person lived longer anyway.

And if the person said he was unhealthy but the doctor said he was in good health --
the person was three times more likely to die.

Doctor Robert Ornstein summed these results up by saying,

"People who tend to rate their health poorly die earlier and have more disease than their counterparts who view themselves as healthy.

So we can see from this study that as far as predicting health, what we think may determine how long we live.

Whatever feelings and thoughts we Remember are the same feelings and thoughts that are giving orders to the body.


Let me tell you about an amazing study that illustrates the POWER OF POSITIVE REMEMBERING.

During the 1970's a research couple named Elmer and Alyce Green looked through a stack of 400 documented cases of spontaneous remission of cancer.

I'm talking about cancer that just went away, people completely cured without an explanation. The Green's were looking for any healing factor common to all these people that might explain their complete recovery. They looked at the methods those people said they used to get well. Some had went to Lourdes Cathedral for a miracle, others used a vitamin C cure, and so on.

Can you guess what they found in common with each case?

The only common factor they found was a change in ATTITUDE.

a change in ATTITUDE from a feeling of helplessness and negativity to positive feelings of HOPE FOR RECOVERY.

What kinds of memory groups were these people triggering when they started to have feelings of hope.?

I would say that hope for recovery got these people to begin to actively search for a cure. And as you know by now if you are looking for health what you are really doing is calling it out of storage and automatically putting the unhealthy and helpless feelings back into storage or in other words - FORGETTING THEM.

Let me say it again -

If your looking for a cure, if your looking for health-you are literally commanding the body to recall the vast storehouse of learning your body has accumulated over your entire lifetime about how to be healthy.

Searching for a cure that you fully expect to find causes you take action. And the action of looking gives your mind the command to hope. So hope fuels action and in return action fuels continued hope.

IMAGINING activates your brain in the same way as actually EXPERIENCING

When you are looking at someone or something, groups of neuron cells in your brain become active. The more often you hear, see, smell, taste or feel the more these groups of cells expand. As we learned in the last chapter, when you "exercise" your brain it grows more connections.

The Greens and others have also found that when you just remember or imagine something or someone the brain activates the same groups of neuron (brain) cells that it does when you actually see, smell, taste or touch.

The same pattern of neuron cell activity occurs in each of the following:

  1. When you are actually seeing, hearing or feeling an experience.
  2. When you are only remembering an experience.
  3. When you are imagining an experience.

If you can remember what you did when you were healthy or imagine what you will do when you become healthy again - your brain will establish the same patterns of activity that it would as if you were actually seeing, hearing or feeling these experiences.

Cells that Blow Up Cancer

Actually your body does have memories of how to destroy cancer and many other diseases. Without your knowledge your body has been destroying cancer cells all your life.

Reseacher Jeanne Achterberg explains how your body fights:

"Certain white blood cells, called T-cells, are targeted to identify and demolish any and all cancer cells they encounter in a most wonderful way. Picture a mighty midget, full of lethal toxins, stalking its prey. Finding the dreaded cancer cell, it thrusts itself inward like a missile, releasing its chemicals. Blisters form on the cancer cell, making it look as if it has been roasted on a hot grill. The blisters grow bigger and, within a millisecond, the cancer cell explodes into oblivion. The macrophages are called onto the scene as part of the clean-up team; they swell up, join forces, and head for the site of destruction, programmed to digest any remaining pieces."

So your body already knows how to destroy cancer cells. The problem is sometimes your immune system gets turned down because of stress, disease, lack of sleep or many other reasons.

When this happens how can you get it to take action?
The answer may be to
imagine your immune system taking action.

Jeanne Achterberg has found there are basically three kinds of cancer patients;

  1. one is resigned to their fate, passively waiting for the end
    Those who accept their fate of dying of cancer survive the shortest time. By giving up they somehow order their immune system to also give up.
  2. the second is a person who is worried, struggling and anxious, but they have no direction in their fight.
    Those who struggle want to live but they don't actively imagine themselves fighting the disease and winning have much less success.
  3. the third is the person of purposeful action, they shake their fists in the face of death, they are fighters who believe they can beat cancer and actively look for ways to do it.
    These people, the fighters, live the longest. They order their immune system to fight and their T-cells to go to work.

Hopeless? Take ACTION

Sheri Lewis the creator of "Lamb Chop" illustrates this important point. She wrote after her total recovery from breast cancer that hope and action work both ways.

"If you are hopeful, of course you can take action. The miracle occurs when you don't feel much hope, yet you push yourself into action anyway. Perhaps it is the brain, stimulated by action, that brings you back to hope. I don't know why it works. I just know that it does."

This is the perfect definition of THE POWER OF POSITIVE REMEMBERING - The Miracle Occurs When You Take Action Without The Feeling Of Hope Then The Brain Must Supply The Feeling Of Hope -if you don't have hope right now go ahead and take action confident that hope will shortly follow.

Take IMAGINARY action if you want to survive

But you might ask what kind of action can a person take with a disease like cancer? The answer is to take imaginary action. Do you have any memory or learning that could know how to destroy cancer? The answer is yes as we learned above, our immune system knows how to destroy cancer. How can you get these memories active - by seeing, hearing, doing or imagining something related to the memory you want.

At about the same time as the Green's were doing their study another research couple named Carl and Stephanie Simonton were teaching cancer patients to use visualization to aid recovery.

They found ALL, patients who recover from cancer had used a common weapon: They had ALL been visualizing themselves being well. To me this is darn amazing!! These people were taking action in their imaginations and automatically turning on feelings of hope.

They found that all survivors believed they had the power to exercise "some influence over the course of their disease."

Survivors not only wanted to live but believed that they had to live and needed to live in order to accomplish some goal. They believed they could beat the disease by not only refusing to give up but by defying cancer by planning to live. The Simontons studied these people and developed a program to teach other patients to do what the successful patients were already doing.

Use your crayons to Remember

The Simontons taught their patients to imagine and draw their immune system killing their cancer:

  1. Imagine and draw their cancer cells as "very weak, confused cells" which their body has been destroying all their life.
  2. Imagine and draw the radiation treatment as "a beam of millions of bullets of energy hitting any cells in its path." Normal cells can repair themselves because they are strong, cancer cells can't because they are weak.
  3. Imagine and draw the chemotherapy as a drug which acts like poison, the normal cells are to smart to take the poison but the cancer cells are weak so it takes "very little to kill" them.
  4. Imagine and draw the cells of the immune system [your white blood cells] as little samurai warriors that roamed around the body hunting down and killing the invading cancer cells. Imagine them as a "vast army", "very strong" and "aggressive" and "very smart". Imagine and draw the fact that there is no contest the immune cells will win the battle.
  5. Imagine and draw the cancer "shrinking" and the dead cells being carried away and flushed out of the body. They taught them to imagine cutting off the blood supply to the cancer tumors so they would starve to death.
  6. Imagine and draw a picture of yourself "well, free of disease, full of energy."
  7. Imagine and draw a picture of yourself as reaching your goals in life. The Simontons tell their patients to remember that "having strong reasons for being well will help you get well . . .".

This is a powerful tool to ORDER your brain to activate the memories you want. All these techniques helped the patients to take action and I believe also helped them give their bodies orders to fight to get well.

The Best Medicine-Laughter

Another person who used the POWER OF POSITIVE REMEMBERING to overcome great odds was Norman Cousins. He was diagnosed with a debilitating disease -- (ankylosing spondylitis -- a disease of the connective tissues) -- that was certain to end his career as the editor of The Saturday Review. The doctors had no way to treat him.

Cousins remembered when he was 10 years old he had been misdiagnosed as having tuberculosis and sent to a sanitarium.

While he was there he noticed that the patients divided themselves up into two groups:

  1. One group believed they would survive
  2. and the other group resigned themselves to their fate and gave up.

Cousins joined with the positive group.

He came to notice that:

". . . the boys in my group had a far higher percentage of 'discharged as cured' outcomes than the kids in the other group. Even at the age of ten, I was being philosophically conditioned; I became aware of the power of the mind in overcoming disease. The lessons I learned about hope at that time played an important part in my complete recovery [as an adult] and in the feelings I have had since about the preciousness of life."

So what did he do about his disease as an adult?

He checked himself out of the hospital and began to treat himself with what the Reader's Digest calls the Best Medicine-LAUGHTER!! He watched old Marx Brothers. movies and reruns of Candid Camera. He laughed instead of worrying about the illness. And while he calmed his nerves with laughter he made detailed, elaborate plans for things he wished to do with his life as soon as he beat the illness.

What was he ordering his body to do?

Well obviously you have to be alive and well to accomplish any future plans you make. So he was giving his mind the order to recall from storage health, hope and action.

Laughter forces the mind to put fear and frustration back into storage.
REMEMBER two opposite thoughts can not exist for long in the mind.

Norman Cousins -- Everything Is Connected

  1. THE SENSES: Notice Funny Movies and Written Plans for the Future.

    Which cause a change in
  2. MEMORIES: remember other memories grouped with hope, laughter, action.

    which cause changes in
  3. THE BODY: to Boost Immune System and reduce tension

    which continues to cause
  4. THE SENSES: Positive Changes in what is noticed in the environment.

Elmer and Alyce Green

Earlier in this chapter I mentioned Elmer and Alyce Green. The Greens were pioneers in the field of Biofeedback. Biofeedback uses machines to pick up what is going on inside a person's body and then "feed" that information back in a form the person can understand.

For example, a biofeedback machine can record the temperature of a person's fingers and show this information on a computer screen.
With these machines patients
become aware of the changes taking place in their body instantly, even before they could actually feel them.

In their experiments the Greens found that people could raise the temperature in their hands by imagining the hand being put into warm sand on a beach. They proved a person can slow down or speed up his heart rate by thought alone.

At first the patient was greatly aided by the feedback equipment because it enabled him to be aware of even tiny changes in his body. After the patients learned this technique they no longer needed the feedback equipment to get the same results.

But the most important thing the Greens discovered was their patients did not actually know how they were physically changing the things, all they did was imagine the result they wanted and let it happen.

Alyce Green said and this is really important:

  • "The body is in the business of taking orders, and what we imagine about ourselves determine what those orders are, for better or worse."

Now keep in mind your imagination is a mixture of all your memories.
She goes on to say:

  • "[the body] simply carries out commands. Negative, destructive commands are followed, it seems, with as much success as positive commands. The body seems to know what to do if the person knows what is desired."

The Sad Story of a Man who was cured of Cancer

The story of Mr. Wright is the best illustration of the fact that the body is in the business of taking orders for better or worse.

Many years ago there was a man who had lymph cancer. All through his body he had huge tumors the size of oranges. He was kept on oxygen and strong sedatives to make him more comfortable because the doctors had decided he had just a short while to live.

His Golden Opportunity

But Mr. Wright had hope. He had seen a report in the newspaper about a new miracle drug that was to be tested at the clinic. When the test began he begged to be included. He told them that this drug was his "golden opportunity" and finally persuaded them to give him the drug.

Improvement -- Only in Mr. Wright

They gave him his first shot on a Friday but didn't expect him to live out the weekend because he was completely bedridden gasping for air. But on Monday when the doctor came back he was surprised to find the man walking around, smiling and talking with the nurses. Only in Mr. Wright was there this improvement. The tumors had shrunk to half their size over the weekend.

The doctors kept giving Mr. Wright the drug and within ten days he was sent home. And get this, ALL SIGNS OF THE CANCER WERE GONE.

Mr. Wright - Everything is Connected

  1. SENSES notice newspaper article on the new miracle drug.
  2. MEMORIES activate feelings of hope.
  3. BODY boosts immune system.

Double Strength Water Cure

But, after about two months the newspapers started carrying stories about the so called miracle drug. All the clinics were reporting they were having no results. Well Mr. Wright was very upset by these stories and he began to lose faith in the drug. Amazingly his cancer reappeared and he fell into a deep despair.

Seeing this the doctor decided to trick him and told Mr. Wright the newspapers were wrong. The Doctor convinced Mr. Wright that the original drug just needed to be refined and that the very next day a new double-strength version of the drug would arrive and he was sure this would return Mr. Wright to complete health. But, to make him even more anxious the Doctor made him wait several days for the extra-strength wonder-drug and this anticipation built Mr. Wright's faith even further.

Finally the doctor gave him the first shot of the drug. But what Mr. Wright didn't know was the doctor had injected him with nothing more than fresh water. And you know what, Mr. Wright recovered even faster this time than the first and was released from the hospital.

The Power of Negative Remembering

Then two months later the American Medical Association released their report on the test drug.
In big, bold headlines the newspapers reported it was a "worthless drug in the treatment of cancer."

Can you guess what happened next? Right, shortly after this report Mr. Wright was back in the hospital with his faith gone and his cancer back. IN LESS THAN TWO DAYS HE WAS DEAD.

This is a real life example of everything we've been talking about so far. We know that the miracle drug was worthless from the beginning so it was something else that cured Mr. Wright.

Just as the ATM keyboard called the forgotten secret number out of storage, the shot of what Mr. Wright believe was a miracle drug called his forgotten health out of storage.

One thought dominates the mind and gives orders to the body

This is so important to get a grasp on this idea: Mr. Wright's memories, learning, images of health and hope and activity had been put in storage when the cancer had established itself. He had an amnesia for health in his body, an amnesia as complete as the forgotten ATM number.

You see two completely opposite thoughts can not exist in the mind at the same time. You can't believe you're sick and healthy at the same time for very long, one or the other thought will eventually dominate the mind.

And whichever thought dominates the mind also gives orders to the body, just as Alyce Green said,

"The body is in the business of taking orders, and what we imagine about ourselves determine what those orders are, for better or worse."

You see from the story of Mr. Wright how true that statement is and more than that how the body will even take orders to destroy itself when hope and health is put in storage by the thought of hopelessness.

How a Rocking Chair helped cured paralysis

Let me illustrate some of the ways the body takes orders from our thoughts when we POSITIVELY REMEMBER some group of memories.

Many years ago this seventeen year old farm boy was struck down with polio. He could hear, see and even speak but otherwise he was totally paralyzed and bedridden. His family were farmers so while they went about the daily chores they would tie young Milton into an old rocking chair they had made into a potty and set him up so he could look out at the world.

One day Milton's family got busy and left him in the middle of the room. Milton kept looking at the window and wishing he could get close enough to look out. Looking and wishing so bad he could just get a little closer. Then something truly wonderful happened. As he sat there he suddenly realized his chair was beginning to rock ever so slightly. He was really excited by this and he began to wonder was it an accident, or did his thinking about moving the chair actually cause his paralyzed muscles to move just a little.

The tiny movement of that rocking chair would have gone unnoticed by most people but to him it changed his life forever. From then on he constantly tried to relearn how to move by trying to remember in detail what that movement had felt like when he had been able to do it. He would sit for hours staring at his hand and trying to remember how his fingers felt when they grabbed the handle of a pitchfork, and how did it feel to climb a tree and hold onto a limb with his hand. Slowly bit by bit his fingers began to twitch and move in tiny jerking ways.

Weeks and months of constant practice paid off as the movements became progressively greater and more coordinated until they got to the point Milton could consciously control them.

He began to understand he was causing these movements by constantly remembering some activity he had actually done before the polio. The real memory of swinging from tree to tree by grasping the branches caused his now paralyzed fingers to twitch and with practice to eventually return to his control.

Teaching Others to Remember for Health

These experiences so fascinated the young Milton that the study of the connection between the mind and body became Milton Erickson's life work. He became a doctor and one of the most famous psychiatrists in the world. He set out to learn as much as possible so he could help others just as he'd helped himself.

Erickson taught his patients many ways to call memories out of storage. When a woman would come to see him because she was worried about her menstrual cycle being late he would ask the woman to go to the restroom and put on a kotex just in case her period was to start during their session.

After she came back into his office he would ask her to describe in detail what her body felt like when she's about to start.

Of course, he was helping the woman reestablish that group of memories which would then give her body the orders to go ahead and start her period.

How You Can Use Positive Remembering to Improve Your Health

In the first chapter you learned six important facts about how your memory works. In this chapter the same six principles have also been used by these real-life people to improve their health.

When you understand how memory works it will become your tool to give you power over what you think, how you feel and how you view the world around you.

How your memories can help you gain the power to boost your health;

  1. PHYSICAL - Your memories are as real and physical as any other part of your body.

    If you practice remembering you are "exercising" your brain.

    In this chapter Milton Erickson taught us how to make a memory stronger by constantly remembering the real memories of being able to move his body.

    Are you using real, detailed, emotional memories to order your mind and body?

    Take time to really remember how you felt before you were sick. Imagine doing something you used to do before this illness happened.

  2. MANY ABILITIES STORED - You have a tremendous number of abilities stored in your memories

    In this chapter you learned your memories have the natural ability to:

    • cure warts if you believe they can,
    • have the ability to actually kill you if you are faced with extreme hopelessness or fright,
    • help you live longer if you believe you are healthy,
    • give you hope if you first take action,
    • fight sickness if you fight to live and refuse to fight if you give up,
    • fight cancer if you give them feelings of hope,
    • remember how to activate paralyzed muscles if you remember past activities that used those muscles.

  3. EITHER ACTIVE OR DORMANT - Your memories, [your abilities], can be active - "remembered" or dormant - "forgotten".

    • Mr. Wright is the best example that your memories and abilities can be actively helping you or be put into storage and allow you to get worse. Mr. Wright showed us how the body can be ordered to fight or ordered to die.
    • You are the one who gives the orders to your body, so don't allow what other people say or any other negative incoming information to take this power to order your body away from you.

  4. CONNECTED - Your memories are grouped and connected with other related memories, emotions and body conditions.

    Sheri Lewis discovered action is connected with hope and hope is connected to healing.

    Elmer and Alyce Green discovered everyone who had a spontaneous remission from cancer had changed their attitude from hopelessness to hope for complete recovery.

    Are you making plans to completely recover and accomplish your life's dreams?

    Jeanne Achterberg taught us about our body's natural ability to blow up cancer cells and also told us that people who actively seek ways to beat cancer are more likely to order their body to use this natural ability.

    Are you actively seeking ways to beat your illness?

  5. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO REMEMBER - You can make a memory active (remember it) by seeing, hearing, feeling, doing or imagining something connected to that memory.

    Dr. Thomas helped his patients activate healing memories by putting ointment on their warts.

    What are you purposely seeing, hearing, or doing to activate your healing memories?

    The Simonton's taught us how to use our imagination to order the body to fight.

    Are you using your imagination to send orders to fight?

  6. REMEMBERING ACTIVATES EVERYTHING CONNECTED - When a group of memories are remembered they activate related emotions and body states and put everything unrelated back in storage:

  • Two opposite thoughts, or emotions cannot exist in the mind for long. The strongest will put the weakest into storage and make it "forgotten".

    Are you forgetting hopelessness and fear by remembering strong healing memories?

  • Norman Cousins showed us how to fight the feelings of fear and hopelessness with laughter.

    Have you forgotten your troubles lately while you watched a hilarious movie and laughed until your sides hurt?

  • Dr. Thomas learned if the treatment was believed to work your "superintelligent" mind knew how to do the rest.

    Do you believe your treatment will work?

  • Dr. Ornstein taught us if you believe you're healthy your brain and body will probably help you live longer than people who think they are sick.

    Do you believe you are becoming healthy?

They call me Butter Bob, but there's something more to my story than Butter. They call me Butter Bob, but
there's something more to my story than Butter.

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do

Daily Plan
Releasing the Power
of your Memories

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do