How to use real memories to boost your health, relieve pain, reduce stress and attract success.

The Power of
Positive Remembering

Your DAILY PLAN for releasing the power of your MEMORIES

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do

Daily Plan
Releasing the Power
of your Memories

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do

Arms, legs vs. memories
- your memories are real physical things

Muscles vs. Memories
- you can build muscle, can you build brain?

10,000 books are not enough
- you have a lot more "up there" than you think

ATM memories
- fingers seem to know the numbers when you don't.

The Whistling Tree
- can you remember where you learned to whistle?

Post Office memories
- How can thoughts "talk" to the cells of your body? And how can individual cells "talk" to your thoughts?

Mama,daddy, sister,
brother memories
- no man is an island and no memories are stored alone

It's impossible to think
of two things at once
- You cannot imagine yourself
getting sicker and at the
same time getting better.

Bugs Bunny™
& chewing gum
- imagining Bugs helps
a little girl stop bleeding

The Power to
Improve Your Health
- Chapter 2: How Remembering
can unlock your body's natural healing abilities

Doctor who painted warts
- paint activates the memories
that know how to eliminate warts

Voodoo Remembering
- how memories can KILL you

Change your attitude
- 400 people were totally cured because of this

Cells that blow up cancer
- your body has some "explosive" power

Who will live the longest?
- there are THREE kinds of patients, which one will survive?

- Sheri Lewis, creator of "Lamb Chop", teaches how to activate hope when you feel hopeless.

Use your Crayons
- cancer patients draw pictures in order to activate memories that boost their immune system

Watch a funny movie
- laughter was the best medicine for this man who used movies to keep positive memories active.

The double strength
water cure
- how a water shot and newspaper can make a big difference in the outcome

Rocking chair
cures paralysis
- a seventeen year old with polio re-learns to move by remembering

The Power
to Relieve Pain
- Chapter 3: How Remembering
can reduce your pain

Your body's natural morphine
- the body knows how
to relieve pain if you know
how to order it with memories

Hello Mr. Pain?
- activate the right memories by talking to your pain

Watching the blowing wind
remembering a time before the pain

Chirping Crickets
remembering your childhood

Driven to distraction
get interested in something else

Good, red, strong blood
more driven to distraction

The Power to
Overcome Fear
- Chapter 4: How Remembering can help with phobias

What is the sympathetic
nervous system?
- this is your body's natural
flight or fight response,

The Power to
Reduce Stress
- Chapter 5:

What is stress anyway?

Can stress do ALL that?
- you won't believe how many things stress can do to mess up your life

The oldest cure-Yoga
- they knew how to calm the "whirlpool" of stressful thoughts thousands of years ago

Nervous System
- your body's natural valium

The Power to
Create Success
- Chapter 6: How to use your Memories to attract success

The mustard seed key chain
- Dolly Parton learned the "key" to success

Oil filters, air filters
& BRAIN filters
- what your brain lets in and keeps out depends on the filters you set

Are you ignoring me?
- your ignoring a whole lot of stuff

- he kept his memories fresh by playing a piano no one could see

Rearrange your Memories
- imagination is rearranged memories so go ahead a move them around

How to cash a $10
million BAD check
- Jim wrote this check to remind himself where he wanted to go

Napoleon's worthless
magic stone
- his grandma gave him
something that couldn't fail to activate the right memories

Are you talking to yourself?

Thank You for the FLEAS
- how to be happy all the time

The Power to
Find Love

- Chapter 7:
all it took to heal him was
one look, one gentle touch,
one kiss

The Seven Traits of
Successful People

Chapter 8

A Blind Date that
turned into love

He ran after the car

127 things he wanted
to do

Why Do Some People Succeed?

I began the search that led to the writing of The Power of Positive Remembering by asking some very important questions. These questions included:

  1. Why do people turn out the way they do?
  2. Why do some people self-destruct while others overcome great odds to succeed?
  3. Why do some terminally ill people fight to become healthy again while others resign themselves to getting worse?

Here at the end of the book I want to sum up what I believe is the common answer to all three of these questions.

People succeed because they believe they can influence the outcome of their situation.

People fail because they believe they have no control over the coarse of their lives.

They either decide on some goal to work toward or they choose to not set any goals and allow someone else to choose for them.

If they set goals they see each setback as just another obstacle to be overcome on the way to fulfilling what they want. If they choose to refuse to set any goals everything in life will seem to be an endless and pointless obstacle that someone else has placed in front of them. Either way each person has made a choice for better or worse.

I believe some terminally ill people fight because they believe they can influence the outcome of their disease. And I believe others give up because they believe they have no power over their illness.

People turn out the way they do based on how they answer the question:


If a person believes he \ she can influence the outcome they will strive to succeed.
If a person believes he \ she is powerless they will be overcome and fail.

How Do You Answer This Question?

Throughout this book you have seen the things you believe can change your situation. You make your choice based on what you believe. No matter how bad the odds, you can influence the outcome if you believe you can.

Do you remember why Carl and Stephanie Simonton decided to learn the difference in beliefs between cancer survivors and those who gave up?

They studied what cancer survivors did and thought, because they wanted to teach these traits to other cancer patients. The Simontons wanted to teach all patients they could influence the outcome of their situation. And they wanted all their patients to know specifically how to influence the outcome of their situation.

How do you answer the question; "can I make a choice and influence my situation?"

Do you believe you can change some part of your situation? If you do believe you can, then you will take some action to prove it. In the Bible it says "faith without works is dead". The apostle James was trying to tell his followers that if they have real faith they will act on those beliefs.

The amazing thing about The Power of Positive Remembering is if you don't believe yet, go ahead and take action as if you believe. Action causes your brain to supply faith. And in turn as the true belief that you can influence the situation grows it will cause you to continue taking action.

In this book you have learned you can influence the outcome of your situation and you have learned how to release this power to influence. You have learned many specific ways to release the power of your body and mind to change certain specific situations such as health, pain, and creating success. Now I want to conclude by outlining a way to use The Power of Positive Remembering as a way of life.

Daily Plan

How to Release The Power of Positive Remembering Into Your Whole Life

Spend some time making a list of goals.

  1. Take some time on the weekend and write down at least 10 things you want to accomplish in life.
  2. Write them down as if nothing could stop you from achieving them.
  3. Rewrite them in the order of their importance to you.
  4. Write down a detailed plan on how you are going to accomplish these goals.

Every Morning:

  1. Read your Goals for Life out loud once every morning.
  2. Write down in a journal or in a notebook 5 things or people you are thankful for.

    Do this writing first thing in the morning while your waiting on your coffee to brew. Don't make this a major project just write down five things or people you feel blessed to have in your life that morning. They could be as simple as "you're thankful it's Friday" or as profound as "you're thankful your children are healthy".

    Limit your list to 5 so this exercise will only take a short time. This will start your day with Positive Memories.
  3. Notice one beautiful thing on your way to work every morning

Every Night:

  1. Record some short funny scenes from your favorite comedy movies or a short cartoon or a short piece from a stand-up comedy routine. Limit these recordings to 5-10 minutes in length so you can watch or listen to one of them every night.
    Make sure you pick scenes that are hilarious to you. For example I love the cartoon were Daffy Duck is Robin Hood but he can't make Porky Pig believe him because he keeps messing up and hitting himself in the bill with his staff. I've seen this many times but it never fails to make me laugh.
    I'm sure you can think of many scenes like this that you can record.
    This will end your day with Positive Emotions.
  2. Do 10 minutes of Slow, Deep Breathing.
    Make sure you push your belly out when you inhale and push your belly in when you exhale.
    While you are breathing say a calming word like "peace" or choose some positive phrase. Repeat the word or phrase each time you push your belly out.

    During the day you will soon find you can get a feeling of relaxation each time you silently repeat this word of phrase to yourself. It will become your "open sesame" for relaxation.
  3. If you are able, take at least a 10 minute walk to relieve tension.
    Ask your doctor about an exercise plan that is right for you. Make sure you notice something beautiful while you walk.
  4. Repeat your List of Goals out loud again before you go to bed.

All day, Every day:

Eat right, may sure you get enough of the essential vitamins and minerals. Most Americans are overweight and still malnourished. The fact is most of us get too many calories and too few vitamins and minerals. Many of us are doing great long-term harm to our bodies by slowly starving them of the nutritional building blocks they need to maintain health.

Throughout this book you have learned that the everything in your body, mind and what you choose to notice or ignore is CONNECTED. What you notice changes which memories are active and in turn changes the state of the body. You now know that you can influence the whole system by changing just one area. You change what you imagine, you can change what you pay attention to, and you can choose to exercise in order to relieve tension.

If your body and brain get the right amount of vitamins and minerals they can usually do a wonderful job of keeping you healthy and happy. Yes I said happy, remember the feeling of being happy is first and foremost a real, physical and chemical part of your body.

I recommend you study nutrition from an expert and as always ask your doctor before making a major change in your diet.

If you will do these things you will be constantly releasing The Power of Positive Remembering in your life, in fact it will become your way of life.

Is Your Body "Rusting" ?:

In your body there is a silent process that could cause great damage to your system.

This process is called Free Radical Damage. What is a free radical? You can not start a fire without oxygen. When your body burns (metabolizes) food it uses oxygen. But some of these oxygen atoms lose one of their electrons which makes them unstable.

The now "free radical" oxygen atoms goes looking for another electron to make it whole again and here is where the trouble begins, because the free radical often steals these electrons from your healthy cells (this damage is called oxidation. This free radical process, that damages your cells, is the same process that rusts metal and browns a cut apple.

This "rusting" can over time cause a lot of what we call aging. Free radicals can cause damage to cells, can lessen the ability of the immune system which in turn can allow more infections, and can cause heart disease and cancer.

However there are several vitamins and minerals which can neutralize these free radicals without causing damage to your body. They do this because they can give up one of their electrons in order to turn the free radical back into an oxygen atom.

These antioxidants are: vitamin A and beta carotene, vitamin C, and E. and the minerals selenium and zinc.

I Want Your Story
For a Future Edition of The Power of Positive Remembering

I want to hear from you. I want to know how Positive Remembering has helped you. I want to know your success story.

I am planning a future expanded edition of The Power of Positive Remembering which will include stories from the people who have read and used the present edition.

This means you! I am asking you to take a few minutes of your day and share with me how you changed your life by releasing the power of your memory. Just write your story on a plain piece of paper, or on an envelope, or tape record it and send it to me at the following address.

Make sure to include these things:

  1. What part of your life did you change.
  2. What did you use to release the power of Positive Remembering (what sight, sound, image, or written statement did you use to cause your memories to release the power to change).
  3. Your name and address and whether you want me to change your name to protect your privacy if I use your story.

Thank you in advance for sharing your story with me.

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